Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Do you want to quit Ask yourself these 6 questions first

Do you want to quit Ask yourself these 6 questions firstDo you want to quit Ask yourself these 6 questions firstI heard a Jeep fell on you, I said.Now wherbeie did you hear that?A wry smile sent wrinkles across the face of my high school English teacher.We were waiting for a show to start - Jersey Boys at the Tenneslandsee Performing Arts Center. Seeing as it had been 10 years since Id seen him, the Jeep question welches the most interesting thing I could think of to say.I glanced at my brother, trying to wordlessly confirm the story. Wide eyes told me that yes, something had happened, but no, I probably wasnt supposed to talk about it.After a long stare, my old professor chuckled.It didnt fall on me. It ran over me. I was working on it in my driveway.Werent those the first sick days youd ever taken? my sibling chimed in. (I think he was relieved we wouldnt be sent to detention for asking.)Pretty much, the teacher responded.Geez.Yeah. I had somewhere around 400 when I left the schoo l.Did they - Oh yeah they paid them out.- - - Dr. Jones wasnt renowned in our small town high school. Legendary probably would have been the more accurate adjective. You likely learned about him the first day you stepped into the building.I cant even remember his first name. It only occurred to me a few sentences ago it isnt Doctor.Is it Bob? Fred? Larry?Nothing sounds right. Mister might be it.First-nameless Jones spent 48 years in the same job. 48 years. In a row. Contrast that with, over 40% of millennials who leave a position in less than 1/10th of that time. There are more options these days, sure, but I cant help feeling we quit sometimes because there is elendhing better to do.I have quit a lot of things in my life - choir, golf, and a mime troupe (dont ask). Other times people have quit me - friends, bosses, or iHeart Radio (that one you can ask about).Once upon a time, big decisions were knee-jerk reactions. Now, I try and ask these six questions.1. Did I do what I sa id I would do?Recently my friend told me about the greatest compliment he had ever received.On a call with his client, the person on the other end of the line struggled to find the words to describe Kyles performance. They couldnt exactly put their finger on what he had done.After a moment, they finally spit this outIts weird you said what you were going to do. And then you just did it.I have started to believe integrity is the first, last, and only marker of success. Who cares whether or not you proclaimed a new years resolution? So long as you follow through on that decision. Who cares whether or not you started a business? So long as you made the choice.Take your time to decide on your goals, but by the time the words come out of your mouth, by God you better be able to see them to fruition.No matter the cost.2. Have I been further than Ive ever been?Right now, my 59-year-old father is teaching himself how to build an app.The program, designed for a very specific job role in a v ery specific field, is a product of his own creation. It does not exist anywhere else in the world. It will solve a problem for many.(Im telling you that part because I am sick of hearing people say things like there are no more good ideas)But what might happen if things dont take off the way he thinks they should? If he read the market wrong or doesnt figure out how to sell it or simply gets bored?I asked. He said thisWell. Ill have learned how to build an app.Nothing in life is wasted, so long as you extract the lessons. I love what Dave Ramsey says about growthConsistent growth is the only difference between having 20 years of experience and having 1 year of experience 20 times.3. Is this becoming a pattern?One bad trend popping up in this decade is a market I like to call The Escape Industry.Culprits and key agitators of The Escape Industry include the dream mongers, those who urge others not to run to something, but from something.Culture of your company a little off? Quit the jobSignificant other says you arent committed? Quit the relationshipFacebook page not going viral after 2 weeks? Quit the effortI hate to say it, but my generation specifically is terrible about this. We want what we want NOW, and if we cant get it, we will go elsewhere. This applies to stores, jobs, relationships, or our Netflix account.It makes me sad.At times, there are very good reasons to quit. But other times, serial surrender is a symptom of those who lack the courage or will to implement change where they are. They will bounce from job to job, idea to idea, person to person, never achieving the depth life has to offer in any arena.I hope that isnt you.4. Am I going to be able to quit without regret?If you cant go without looking back, dont quit.There are obviously still issues to be resolved.5. Have I executed this position to fulfillment?Dont tell anyone, but Dwayne Johnson is one of my favorite people.Regardless of how you feel toward the work he does, how many other peopl e do you know who have completely switched industries and were still able to make as deep an impact?Excellence begets excellence. The Rock was not able to undergo such a radical shift in activity because he is lucky or blessed, but because he executed his wrestling career to fulfillment. He became the absolute best he could be before making the change. He went as far as he could go.Then, with the leverage already provided from his commitment to the WWE, he leaped into a whole new world.6. Have I asked the opinion of other people who matter in my life?Whenever Im struggling with a decision, I like to remember these wordsPlans fail with no counsel, but with many counselors they succeed.My wife is a genius. Every time I make a dumb decision, its because I didnt ask her thoughts. Sometimes, she affirms what I was already thinking. Other times, she tells me I am being an idiot. All times, I only have half the information for making my choice when I refuse to include her.The solution for gaining the right answer on any decision typically looks something like thisTime + Advice + Advice + Advice + Your Own Intent = ClarityNotice that emotion does not appear anywhere in this equation. Emotion is fickle and fluid and all to often influenced by your level of hunger. Gathering advice, on the other hand neutralizes any misguided whim you might be feeling due to a lack of Larabars.Do your diligence. Get the information you need.Then, if you must, take the leap.Much love,- Todd BAdditional readingNote After 3 years of writing weekly on the Internet, Ive found I become less and less tolerant to people who spit out what we must assume to be facts with no actual foundation.The worst offenders of this are typically people like me - Motivators who are too busy hustling to dig deeply. In an attempt to offer further education or invite critique if I am misled in my thinking, here are the works which influenced this - 4 Truths You Need to Know About Millenni al Job HoppingWikipedia - Dwayne Johnson**Jobvite - Job Seeker Nation Survey 2016**By far the most entertaining sourceThisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.

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